
So, As you may have picked up, I love music. I’m a member of a couple of groups (Bruce ones, admittedly) and at the moment my friends and fellow fans are talking top ten Bruce songs. Eventually they turn to me and say the words I dread to hear- “what’s your top ten” at which point I go into some kind of nervous sweat and start to mutter a lot about confusion and indecision and not really being able to decide or knowing what to say – now this is not dissimilar to my pick up technique, only there’s slightly less chance of me throwing up or saying “I understand” a la Peter Sellers in Being There at the end of it.

My point is that it’s a near impossible task I almost always refuse to partake in (yes, on both counts) because I can’t pick a top ten songs. It’s not going to happen. There are more than ten good ones. I can’t even pick a favourite album. I have somewhere between 3 and 5 favourite Bruce albums and I love them all for different reasons. I’m the same with U2.

It reminds me of a conversation I was having with some friends who were bemoaning going to see a band who hasn’t changed up their set list for a while. I simply asks what songs my friends want the band to get rid of, at which point in time confusion set in. You can’t get rid of this song or that one or that one. The problem with some bands is that they have too many good songs and in reference to this particular band, the solution is that they play longer (although I’m not quite sure how the band themselves feel about that)

Now without further adieu I have a top ten to try and construct. I’m going into a cave to hide for a bit. I can feel this will be another day of tea and nose bleeds. I love being me.