Adam Dean and Bruce Butler – David Bowie

I don’t think I have ever had a conversation with my buddy Bruce that didn’t involve Bowie. Sure, I’d heard some stuff before meeting Bruce – Sorrow was the first single my mum bought and I think of her every time I hear it. The love that my friends Adam and Bruce have for The Thin White Duke is infectious and I’m pretty sure that without meeting them, the Bowie portion of my iPod would be Sorrow, Suffragette City, Jean Genie and Let’s Dance.

But how can that be? You ask. bowie’s so great and has done so very much? Aside from that one single my mum liked, my only interactions with the music were having A Space Oddity shoved down my throat by a scary prep music teacher and reading somewhere that the props he used for a tour were actual dead people (I don’t know if it was true in hindsight, but it stuck in my mind as more than a little bit weird). You gotta admit, this is not the best start to any musical relationship.

Thank goodness for Adam and Bruce. Now I am looking forward to going to the Bowie IS exhibit and I plan on going more than once, I’ve taught myself the guitar part to Let’s Dance and play it often when I want to chill out, and I’m looking forward to slowly working my way through the back catalogue. It will take me some time- it’s not a small one from what I hear. How’s that for a change? Thanks Adam and Bruce. Without you guys, my life would be Bowieless and that is a very sad thing!



Finally, I got some rest. I recon last night was the best sleep I’ve had in ages. As a result (as you can see from the photo) I was up bright and early to get some guitar in before work. Aside from the Bruce stuff, I’m working on some David Bowie which I’m getting increasingly excited about, not to mention a whole bunch of other music for another project and more songs to cover and re- arrange. It’s an incredibly productive time at the moment and that has me pretty darn excited.

I’m trying to play drums as often as possible too, which is exercise all on its own. I can hear my drum teacher telling me now that I should be doing pad work, so I’ve got to pick up the ball on that, too.

All things considered, I’m doing pretty well. Summer in Melbourne is a beautiful time, despite the weather being 40 some days. Ohhh well, we’ll deal with that when it happens – this weekend probably.

It’s been predicted that it will be hot in Perth next week – stay happy and hydrated, Bruce buds!