My dad – The Beatles

The Beatles were the very first group I got into and I don’t really think I had much of a choice – my dad loved em so much that it was Beatles or nothing. I couldn’t help but get my love for them from him.

John, George, Paul and Ringo were always around the house – but only in the record collection. As a result, I’m not particularly fond of them any other way. I own the CDs and yes, I’ve got them on my iPod, but if possible, record is where it’s at.

I remember being shown the big, blue boxed set that my mum gave my dad and going through the records with him. I learned to put names to faces, to sounds and learnt about these masters of their craft who could do anything and everything. They became musical superheroes and the band against which all other musicians would be measured.


One thought on “My dad – The Beatles

  1. poppies says:

    I always thought the lads sounded like “old music” when I was a kid, and I just dismissed them accordingly. Now, I can’t get enough. Geniuses all.

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