It just doesn’t happen that way

So, seeing the break last night didn’t happen. Instead what I did see was a driver slam into a pole cause he lost control of his car. The weather is wet where I am. Drive slowly, the bigger the car, the longer the stopping distance needs to be. I had to swerve otherwise I would have hit him. It’s simple physics, really. Now I’m standing on the train, listening to the White Stripes and wishing I was back in bed.

In other news, I’ve been offered a second job and I’m debating taking it, but I don’t like the idea that it will interrupt my drum practice. I’m fairly certain I have a hot date with the kit when I get home tonight to work on that thing I won’t speak about yet.

Peace out

I’m not telling

Which is effectively what I’m going to be saying as I plot to reveal this delicious drumming thing that I have up my sleeve. I’m not telling, but I will be practicing hard – harder than before. Anything that’s not a must (like work, sleep, seeing The Break with Rob Kirk) has to go, unless it’s going to improve my drumming. Why? I’m not telling, but hopefully at some point soon, you’ll see.

I had drum lessons last night which I feel went well. I always try harder before drum lessons, then get a bit nervous during my drum lesson and don’t play as well cause I’m not relaxed. Damo, my teacher pointed out last night that I get a bit stressed out in my own little world sometimes- he’s right, so aside from the usual songs, we played some to help me destress. I think it helped

Song of the day is Rosalita. I know I’ve posted it before but I’m posting it again cause it’s fun. Have a great day!