Things we learnt this week.

1. Yesterday my dad discovered the song Backdoor Man. He thinks The Doors did the original. Sometimes I wonder if we’re related.

2 Earlier this week a list of the top 25 Australian guitarists was released. I’ll admit that my initial instinct was driven by the fact that I’m biased as fuck (and not ashamed to admit it – the difference is I know when I’m being biased and will start the statement with a disclaimer of “I may be biased, but….) Ian Moss was number 1? Well that’s a fair call. It’s the rest of the list I take issue with. Notable absentees included Lloyd Spiegel, Jimi Hocking and Geoff Wells. There are also some singers who do some pretty mean guitar work that deserve a mention – anyone seen Icehouse live?

Anyway, I could pick the shit through this thing but at least I can admit I couldn’t compile a list of Australia’s best guitarists. We all know who the winner would be any way. Let’s stick with Mossy, shall we?

3. Melbourne really is bi – polar weather wise. I’m sure it was sunny on Monday …..

Anyway, I’m going to try and dry off now, enjoy your day.