Happy days.

I should stop watching this shit, I think to myself as I hear the same song for somewhere between the 10th and 200th time. The song itself is insignificant, but for reasons best left undisclosed listening to anything that much may be doing it’s best to erode the minuscule amount of sanity that I have left. As has been said to many an addict before – put that shit down.

Good lord the sun is bright today. This on its own is doing nothing to improve my mood. The sun gives me migraines. As you can tell, I’m a happy camper this morning. I’ve slept in, my belly is empty, my back aches and I’ve had little sleep because these days nightmares are becoming as consistent as nose bleeds- I really just don’t need 25 sleepless nights, m’kay brain? But it’s alright because it will all come out in the wash.

It’s time to go back to the gym. It’s time for so very much. My passion for music is strong at the moment, which can only be a good thing. I have a plan there and I plan on sticking to it. My back aches because I’ve been to under the weather to exercise until today, but that’s alright too. Things will get better. Just put one foot in front of the other and the next time that I have my head up my arse, for goodness sake can someone remind me of what life’s about before I go shooting my mouth off?

Enjoy your day.

Shake it off

So, I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday. They had change their opening hours and were still closed when I got there. It kinda sucks. They also weren’t open for another two hours and at 8:30am on a Sunday, I was not going to hang around. So I came home and worked out and then danced around my room like an idiot whilst trying to clean up what can only be described as my floordrobe.

It’s not that I’m messy, I’m just a little untidy and then I work and gym and… Something’s gotta give. Yesterday was a good opportunity for a little home maintenance and boy did I take it. Mainly though, it was a good excuse to dance around my room like an idiot. It’s good exercise. I have decided that I’m going to try and start my mornings that way – even on days when I feel like hiding under the covers whilst someone makes me a cup of tea. It just felt good and hey, a little positivity never killed anyone, right?

I then had my nephews over. The youngest is two and will probably follow in his aunty’s footsteps. He drums on everything, he plays his guitar and just loves music. He broke into my room yesterday to play my guitar (in all fairness, all he had to do was open the door). He just seeks out music and it’s beautiful to see, from my point of view any way.

Also, on my ride into work this morning, I went past a street called Otter st and for some reason, that made me happy.

Here’s a picture of an otter with a teddy bear. Have a nice day.


Sunshine and lollipops? I don’t think so.

So it’s 8:22am, the sun is out and I can’t hide my excitement. I’m on my way to the greatest place on earth- a place I go for me, to be me. It’s a place I go to be truly alone and at peace. It gives me time to think and breathe and be as monumentally pissed off as I need to be (and do something productive with it)

I am of course, talking about the gym. I’m not there to impress anyone or to make friends. That’s not what it’s about. I’m there for me. I’m there because if I don’t go, my back hurts and I turn into a bit of a restless, needy little shit who will do anything just to get a good night’s sleep. Basically I’m there because if I don’t go, I turn into a gremlin who’s been fed after midnight and then kicked into a pool. It’s not a pretty sight.

Even my work slips when I’m not at the gym and that is no good for anyone, especially not me so it’s off to the gym for me. I’m especially looking forward to a smoothie afterwards, as I walk through the city with that horrid sun beaming down on me before heading home and beating the shit out of my drum kit, because let’s face it, it hasn’t had a beating in far too long and that’s just not good for anyone.

Enjoy yo’ day

I’ll get by with a little help from my friends

May, where did you go? How is the year almost half over? It seems like just yesterday I was standing in a mosh put with some of my closest friends dancing with Bruce (yes, that happened. Thanks Perth) or watching the look on my mum’s face as he kissed her in the cheek (thanks Melbourne). Now it’s nearly June. I’ve barely touched anything musical since I got back and I have to say Jan and Feb are still looking like my two favourite months of the year.

I spent the weekend catching up with my Bruce buds, some of whom flew in from Perth for the occasion. It was great. I don know any other musician who brings people together to the same extent. We sat at a table, ate some very impressive Thai food and talked about what we’d all been up to. I can’t wait for the next one (even if just for the Thai food)

It reminded me that I need to pull my finger out, musically speaking. It also reminded me that I miss my friends. I should visit them some time. For now though, it’s work, gym, sleep, repeat.


Fifteen minutes more.

I finally found spare time this morning- fifteen glorious minutes in fact. Do you know what I did? I played bass. It feels so good to just have 15 minutes for stuff like that. I’ve missed it. I don’t think I’ve touched an instrument in far too long. It felt so good. It’s inspired me to try and re-arrange my time so that I have more time for music. I’ve been listening a lot, but it feels good to play, too.

For now I’m outta here, gotta try and organize my time better. Byeeeee.


“No, no, no. I don’t believe it” my friend said, hugging me as I poked my head out of hibernation this weekend. For some, it’s been longer than others. This weekend was definitely one of old friends. It started on Thursday when I went and saw my uncle Mike and the Spectrum lads do their thing. The second was Saturday when I saw Wired. I bumped into a couple of friends at each gig, too. It’s good to catch up with people.

So, what else have I been doing? Gym, mainly. I turned a friend into a joy division fan, so I’m a little impressed with myself. It’s one of the top ten things this girl wants to hear. “I watched Control and now I really like Joy Division”. It’s a sentence that is met with “Can I buy you a drink?” See kids, it really is that easy.

One myth I do want to dispel though is that it’s “always” the guitarist. No it’s not. Not for me any ways. For me it’s hardly ever the guitarist. Usually the first person I’ll notice in a band is the bass player. Some bands I will only go and see provided that they have the right bass player. It comes with my taste in music. Joy Division? Distinctive bass. U2? Hot bass player. I rest my case. I could quite easily follow U2 around aus just to watch their bass player. Having said that, though, it has been guitarists that have made the biggest impact on me personally, but in at least one case, I only went back to see the band because of the great bass player.

How’s my own music been going? I’ve been playing a little bit, I guess I’m just not in the mood and that’s okay. I get in the mood to play at odd times, when I have to go do other stuff. Can’t win. I’ll get there eventually. For now though, someone give me a cup of tea and some time in the gym.

Monday funday

Have you ever felt like you could lay in bed for the next five years? I wish I could. I felt really peaceful this morning, however life awaits. I have the pieces of a puzzle in my head that I need to put together to form some kind of cohesive plan for the week. I’ve already got food sorted an I’m pretty proud of that, actually. My evenings are kind of sorted, at least up until around 8. If I can get home by then, have some dinner and meet my practice pad for half an hour, I’ll be doing okay.

It’s just the mornings. Maybe I’m really not a morning person after all? Even the word “morning” makes me roll me shudder. I don’t really do early morning, but I can totally rock 10:30 with pancakes for breakfast. Right now it is not 10:30 and even my hair is rebelling against this early morning insanity.

The sound track to my day is Little Birdy’s Confetti album. It’s pretty good actually and every time I put it on, I want to go through the whole thing. It’s one of those albums that doesn’t really have a weak spot. It’s the sign of a good album. One of my favourite songs though happens to be the opening track, brother. With its refrain of “who’s gonna love you now baby” it seems to be a stand out track.

Other artists that seem to e getting a run this morning are Ida Maria and Bob Marley. Yeah, it’s strange inside my head.

Returning to my natural state.

Leave me to my own devices for long enough and I eventually slide back into my own routine. It’s quite healthy, really. I’ve always played some kind of sport as a kid. For as long as I can remember I had some kind of training on a regular basis, which I juggled with music practice that started when I was 8. For me, it seems perfectly natural to use as much time as I can beating the shit out of something – be it a drum kit or the pavement. Maybe it’s the stereotypical drummer thing of having too much energy? If I don’t use it, chaos reigns supreme.

To my shock, if I get enough sleep, I’m actually an early riser. I seem to have been waking up earlier and earlier this week, but the rug is about to be pulled out from under me when my shifts change next week. I already have a plan though, so I should be able to work my way around it. I don’t seem to be able to get myself used to the constant shift changes. Hopefully I will now though (yeah, it’s only taken a year and a half – I know)

I feel like I’ve been neglecting my kit or music in general. I haven’t had any lessons since I got back in feb and I’ve barely touched my guitars. That’s about to change too. I bought a new drum book the other day. I’ve been told that its THE drumming book so it’s time to get stuck into that. I’m pretty excited about all the stuff I’ve got up my sleeve. It’s good to have plans. You’ll see soon enough, I’m sure. Until then, take care.

Here comes the rain again

Ahhhh, Melbourne, you reflect the noise in my head so well. Rain – and lots of it seems to be coming our way. The outlook is utterly miserable and I couldn’t feel more at home. The sky is grey – everything is grey. I am starting to spend my days locked away in my music room again. I take down a pot of tea and my iPod and nothing can disturb me. It’s pretty great. I have so much catching up to do, both musically and fitness wise. I feel like I need to make up for my fantastic Feb and March madness all at once. I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job of it. I’ve worked out what I need to do to get back to boxing fitness without having to throw another punch and that’s what I’m going to do. Boxing fit = drumming fit and that I am very much looking forward to.

Song Of The Day is Queens Of The Stoneage – No One Knows because ultimately, no one has any fucking idea. I played this song live. It was the first time that despite all my nervousness and anxiety, I felt something close to comfort on stage. I gotta do that again.

Take two

So, last night I came home and crashed out. I actually seem to be at my most productive in the mornings, which is news to me. I got up early, worked out, played guitar, thought about my plans and tried to shake off yesterday quite successfully. It’s amazing what a good, long sleep can do.

It feels good to start exercising again, too. I know it’s only day one but I have a plan, I’ve written it down, I can stick to it. I’ve got my gym gear with me, so I’m looking forward to hitting the gym after work.

Song of the day today is by one of my favourite Australian artists – Nick Barker. I remember the first time I saw him play like it was yesterday – it was nine years ago. He was at Treasury Gardens for the alternate Australia Day festivities – the share the spirit festival. I went with friends, parked my arse on a rug near the stage and enjoyed the music. That’s where I heard Time Bomb for the first time and it’s been one of my favourite songs ever since. I went out the next week and bought C sides – an acoustic version of some of Nick’s songs and the rest, as they say is history. Enjoy.