
So, it was pointed out to me last night that perhaps I should pull my finger out of my arse as do something and you know what? I probably should.

These past few days I feel had been wasted. The last week, really (well, since about Friday) -sure, I had a wedding to go to, but we let life get in the way so often. We use life as an excuse for living and I’ve had enough.
I have plans. Big ones. They’re massive and there are too many to count. I don’t have time to be sitting around doing nothing. As they said in How I Met Your Mother “if it’s not at least an 8, I’m not interested” (for the record, those with vague resemblance to Adam Clayton are a 9.5)

My plans or today include the gym, listening to some music for ideas and work. Told you I have plans. Ohhhh, and my drums.

Has any one seen Bruce Springsteen live at Storytellers? Whoa….. That DVD is at least an 8.5