Mondays aren’t so bad

At least, not when you start them with pancakes. You may or may not have guessed it by now, but pancakes are one of my favourite things ever and I could quite easily start every day with pancakes covered in fresh fruit. It almost makes it okay that you have to get up just that tiny bit earlier to have them.

I managed to actually do almost all of the things I wanted to do yesterday. I made enough soup to feed a small army (I’m hoping that it will keep me healthy whilst everyone around me seems to be getting sick and actually managed to both do some cleaning and start working out again. Now that I have the space, it will happen.

The other thing I managed to do is write down a bunch of goals and think about how I want to achieve them. It makes it easier to do something if you have a plan. One of those goals is to fit in two hours of practice a day. I don’t know where yet, but I’m sure I’ll fit it in somewhere. For now though, life is good (and I have soup!)

Song of the day is Alone With You by The Sunnyboys. I love Australian post punk and The Sunnyboys are right up there as one of my favourite bands. Alone With You sounds to me like that feeling right before you first make a move on someone you’ve wanted to for ages – right before the big reveal when you finally get that person alone and think “right, what now?” It’s like the dog who’s just about to catch his tail. This song
Is the sound of a hundred hotel room doors shutting and people standing on the other side, completely fucking lost – and I love it.

You can’t always get what you want

But yesterday, I did! I got exactly what I wanted. I woke up, I drummed. I stopped for lunch, I drummed some more, then I took a nap, had some tea and guess what I did after that? Ohhh yes, I drummed. It was exactly what I wanted to do on my day off and I should have more days like it. I road tested ear putty and realized that its not great, I’ll go back to the much cheaper version as it works just as well ($3 for 3 pairs rather than $10 for the same amount).

So, what did I get done? A whole lot. I spent most of my time working on that thing I can’t (or won’t) talk about, but in between I played the four Bruce songs that I had been learning and getting down some rough drum patterns for the four songs that I want to re-construct over the next four weeks.

All in all, I’d have to say it was a productive day. Happy birthday, queenie!