Why am I up at this ungodly hour if there is no roll call to attend?

So, I just spent five minutes on a seat before realizing it was wet and now have a wet arse. I also got close enough to catch the last train but didn’t because running is not happening today. I feel like I’m sleep walking, which I quite possibly am.

It’s okay, though. It could always be worse. I’m happy after catching up with my best buddy yesterday and I have cake with my lunch, so it’s not all bad. I really need to start working out again, though. That’s next on the to do list, along with playing drums. I know that wont happen till tomorrow night and that’s okay.

Meanwhile, today’s song is brought to you by Pink and it reminds me of pushing a car up Punt Road in heels, drinking tea, five hour Facebook conversations and generally, a lot of laughs, madness and mayhem.

PS I’m sitting on a train and can hear the person opposite me listening to Mondo Rock. There Wilson, Camilleri, Braithwaite and Reyne shows this weekend? Don’t mind if I do.