One of the most attractive men on earth and why I hate the 80’s

I’m not saying it’s all bad. Some good stuff happened in the 80’s. Adam Clayton spent a lot of time without a shirt on, U2 in general were great, Springsteen was great too, but the bad stuff was just so bad.

I seem to have some kind of allergic reaction to the 80’s. My aversion to lead singers due to two different acts that made it big in the 80’s, one of whom still makes me want to projectile vomit at the mention of his name. There aren’t a lot of people I flat out refuse to tolerate, but that dude’s one of em!

My memories of attending 80’s nights are bad. The fashion was bad, the mullets were bad (Iva Davies, I’m looking at you!) The fact that my nose bleeds some times like it belongs on a coke addict’s face can be traced back to another 80’s band.

I really don’t like the 80’s too much, despite the fact that it was the era that gave me life. In fact, I know we can blame those dodgy 80’s nights for most of what I’ve just mentioned (except the nose bleeds, that’s a separate issue *- yeah, I’m defective. Surprised?) but most of the songs I now hate to the point that hearing them makes my skin want to crawl off my bones and hide under my bed can be traced back to a series of horrific 80’s themed nights that I had the misfortune of attending. I won’t link you to the songs here because I’m not that cruel, but I will say I don’t ever need to hear A Flock Of Seagulls or A Ha again. Ever.

The other thing about the 80’s is that it started with a lot of death. 1980 saw the death of Bon Scott, John Lennon and Ian Curtis and music would never be the same for it. It also, very obviously saw the death of the 70’s – a decade which is dear to my heart for so many reasons.

As I mentioned earlier though, it wasn’t all bad, which brings me to my song of the day. As you would now be aware, I have a bit of a giant soft spot for Adam Clayton. What can I say, really? He’s tall, he drinks tea, is smart as all get out and knows his way around a Fender. He’s a bit of a thinker and that pretty much ticks all the boxes for me, not to mention the fact that he happens to be really, really, ridiculously good looking. Who could have a problem with that?

I did, to begin with. I didn’t like U2 when I was growing up. My mum would play their music and I’d want her to turn it off. Eventually, though I came around. Now I play bass and I think that the delightfully talented Adam may have something to do with that.

Song Of The Day is Love And Peace Or Else. Although not from the 80’s I think you can all get the message, even if you were big in the 80’s.

*in all fairness, I probably can’t pin my nose bleeds on an 80’s band. It’s more an allergic reaction to over thinking. I think too much, my face leaks, but hey, I was listening to a lot of 80’s music when it started. It could be that too.

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