Year in review

So, as the year draws to a close I’m starting to look back at some of the things that have happened and the gigs I have seen. Gig of the year is tough but I think it goes to The Boss live at Hanging Rock. Why? That was when I knew I would be following this dude EVERYWHERE and I’m bloody glad he’s back. There area few other honorable mentions though. Let’s start with this one.

Icehouse live at just about everywhere.
I can’t pick the best gig and perhaps that’s a reflection of why I love Icehouse – there are no dud gigs. They are that bloody good all the time. Again, to a lesser degree I went because someone else wanted me too. Sure, I didn’t mind going and I knew the music (my parents believed in giving me a musical education) but I didn’t have the compulsion to see them. My friend wanted to go and I said “sure, why not?” Why not indeed!

Icehouse essentially have just about everything I love in a band. They’re kind of the perfect storm. Solid song writing? Check. Have you heard their back catalogue. I have. In fact every time I get into a car with my lovely friend I hear it whether I want to or not and let me tell you, some good did come of the 80’s (just not Iva’s mullet.

The second thing they have is a lead singer that doesn’t scare the shit out of me. Now you may be laughing but the truth is that most of them do. They’re a strange bunch I tend no to pay much attention to at best and run away from at worst. I find they’re less intimidating when they have a guitar and Iva has a more than generous share of talent. These things help.

Finally, and most importantly, the band. This is where and musical act will get my attention and in this case it was the musical stylings of Steve Bull that I noticed first, followed very closely by Paul Wheeler.

Apparently they’ve been playing together for longer than I’ve been alive, which explains why they’re so damn good at it. Steve is just a champ. There is no other way to describe it. He’s not overly fussy, there’s no sign of guitarist complex (I want to play guitar but can’t so settled for bass cause I thought it was easier and I’m better at it) he plays exactly what needs to be played when it needs to be played and does it brilliantly.

The same can be said about Paul Wheeler. In terms of drumming, he’s just so consistent. It’s ridiculous. Every time I see him play I want to lock myself in my music room for a couple of hours and try and improve. He plays with energy and style and what else can I say, really? I’ve seen him play with Kevin Borich and it’s the same deal. You just can’t fault the guy.

Add to the equation Paul Gildea and Glenn Reither and you have yourselves not just any band but a bloody awesome band. Paul’s guitar playing is beyond description, if you haven’t seen it, use YouTube. That will help more than any adjectives that I can come up with. In fact if you don’t know what I’m talking about use YouTube. If you do know what I’m talking about, have a look on there any way. You’ll be happier for it.

You’re welcome.

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