Happy Monday

 So, I’m up early to try and fit in what I love, which will be fine. I know that I have the time to do it. I’m still itching to perform the stuff that I saw on Friday night. The other thing I need to do is find time for breakfast!


I love my job, I do, but shift work means I’m still not in a proper routine after twelve weeks. It’s constantly screwing with my head, but I’ll get there. Now, I have to go practice before time goes by and I can’t get out there. I’m starting to figure out what I want to do once these four songs are finished. I think I need to listen to more Bruce to sort that out. My back is giving me the shits too, which is a good sign that I need to go back to the gym. I guess it will be drums in the morning and gym in the evenings.


Ohhh, and I finally managed to cut my finger nails so that I can play bass and drums comfortably.


Song Of The Day is Long Time Comin’

Day of drums


So, this afternoon has been carefully selected as the day I practice drums. I did sweet FA during the week, so today is the day. I also saw the most amazing drummer on Friday night. Watching him was quite the education and if I had have had a spare moment yesterday, I would have spent it on the drums. Most of this week has been spent sorting out what I want to do, what drum gear I need and what needs to go into my music room (along with a dash of drumming on the way to and from work)


Anyway, I better get my lazy arse off this computer and do something, before I do, the things that resonate from Friday are:


Using the butt of the drum stick to hit the snare makes an interesting sound.


Playing from a place of joy is as big of a part of being a good player as technique. (I sometimes look like I’m drumming to Joy Division rather than Bruce Springsteen)


Anyway, I’m off to go be productive.  Have fun with your day.


Song Of The Day is Thunder Road



A blog, but not a blog

Today’s blog is an open letter to a songwriter who has been inspiring me a lot musically at the moment

Dear sir

Having only just discovered your music, I feel I have come somewhat late to the party. I am not pretending to be Robert Falcon Scott or Sherlock Holmes, I’ve heard the songs before, I guess I just wasn’t really listening until now. Maybe it’s that annoying condition that humans are prone to called ignorance?

Anyway, I digress. This week I started to listen. My ears opened and my mind discovered your songs (well at least the few on my playlist). from what i have heard, the songs are perfectly constructed, as though they were built by Baccio Pontelli or painted by Fredrick McCubbin.

I can see myself playing every note, I want to learn every part of these songs. I want to understand them better. I find them inspiring and I don’t know whether its just that I’ve been hearing them for years, but every note seems to make sense. The guitars come in at the perfect time. The bass is a hidden undercurrent, pulled out only when the song calls for it, the keys hold everything together and the drums drive everything forward. It really feels like music at it’s finest. I understand now why I have friends who are against the idea of covers, like your music is something to be untouched by the masses. I still disagree with this – all music is there to be played, to be played with, deconstructed, reconstructed and allowed to breathe.

Anyway, this is a rather long and bloated version of what I really wanted to say, which is thank you for writing songs that sound so great and effectively inspiring me to be a better musician.


Song of the day is the E Street Shuffle. Enjoy

I guess I should go to sleep

Which is exactly what I did yesterday. I just had one of those days where everything snow balled. The only practice I did was on my pads because I was tired and hungry and couldn’t get food and therefore everything in life was wrong. Really, all I needed was a cup of tea and a hug, but instead I slept for ten hours.


I confess, instead of practicing I slept for ten hours. On the upside, I feel a lot better for it and I did do some practice. I also have a new heater for that bungalow, which means I won’t freeze when I go out there tonight.


PS I’m back to eating vegetables too, rather than everything in sight, so I should have some energy sometime soon.


Song Of The Day is Your Own Worst Enemy.


Trying Again

I had my drum lesson last night, which went okay. We slowed down Glory Days and Dancing In The Dark just to give me a chance to catch up to Max a little bit. Let’s face it, he’s been doing this for a lot longer than 14 weeks. I’m also still in the process of tweaking my style and streamlining my drumming, as my teacher would say. It’s just a matter of giving myself the ability to play faster. I’m also breaking up my Bruce drumming with drumming along to different tracks – the White Stripes are good for a bit of fun. They’re great to warm up to.

Cover Me and Downbound Train are going really well. I’m at the point now where I’m getting closer to playing what’s on the record, introducing the China as well as the high hat and putting another feather in my cap, which I really love. I’m also falling deeper and deeper in love with music again, which sounds odd. I’m listening to different bands every day, some of my friends went to Sabbath so I’m listening to Tommy play a bit. I’m also getting into soul music, so it will be interesting to see what kind of drumming style I end up with, cause right now I look a bit like the gorilla in the Cadbury’s add, but without any of the talent.

Song of the day is Working On The Highway, just for a bit of mid week fun.

It’s raining again

Which means that instead of doing any actual practice this morning, I’ll be watching a bit of Harry Potter whilst using the practice pad, which is kind of a pain in the arse. My drum teacher did say that I need to concentrate on the basics, so I guess I should be happy to do that.


In other news, I’m finding myself shopping around for other drummers that inspire me. As you may have already read, I’m a big fan of Paulo Wheeler, so spent some time last night listening to Icehouse which was both good and bad. Good because I admire the musicality of the songs and the skill of the musicians. Bad because there’s nothing like wanting to drum and then realizing that you’re on a tram and foolishly forgot my sticks.


Anyway, as much as I find doing this therapeutic, I must go drum. I’m also happy to say that I got new ear plugs last night. Protecting your hearing is important, kids.



Song of the day is You’ve Got It. Only 4 days till the weekend. Yay!

You gotta do what you gotta do

So, pretend Bruce never showed up yesterday, but it was good to catch up with the Brucey crew for a bit, see some photos and talk about the good times.  For me, there’s nothing better than being around people who get it.


I’m on a later shift this week, so I think I’ve slept through my chance to drum today, but no mind, I’ll figure that one out tomorrow by getting up early.  Drumming at 7:30 in the morning, anyone? I really hope that I’m not pissing my neighbours off. That reminds me that I still need to get ear plugs. I’ll do that this morning – and a heater!


Anyway, it’s time for me to head off to work. Have fun whatever you do today


Song Of The Day is A Man’s Job. Enjoy


Yesterday . . . .

I did sweet FA, drums wise. I did re introduce myself to Gable though. There’s a picture of him below. Ain’t he beautiful?


Today, however is another day. It’s the day I get proper ear plugs and go to the drum store and pick up a music stand and go hear some Springsteen music live.  Today is a good day. I’m going to go drum now and teach myself some Bruce songs. What songs do I want to learn on bass? I’ll keep you posted. For now though, I’m off to go watch a Bruce tribute in Mordi. Enjoy your day!



Song of the day is Fire because I have friends in Tassie who I hear have been freezing their little arses (as Bruce learnt, that’s how it’s said in Aus) off


