Now We’re Getting Somewhere


So, these weekends are getting far too busy for my liking. There’s too much stuff going on and not enough drumming! People were interrupting my sleep on Friday (I don’t like that!) so I couldn’t get up super early and drum on Saturday. All of Saturday was spent doing “Stuff”- socializing with my family, shopping to try and get my Bruce picture framed . . . It wasn’t that productive. On the up side, my dad has given me the card for a good place to go and get my stuff framed which I’m happy about, so I’m sitting here going through my posters trying to decide what’s going where.


Some of them won’t make the cut, but what can you do?


So far I’ve got:


Betchadupa and Neon

Young bands made good and the first bands I saw once I turned 18. Betchadupa left for England to try and make it big over there and broke up. They should go on the wall just  because of the importance they had for 18 year old me.


Ross Wilson in WA.

That was an interesting gig. I flew over there for the simple reason that no one should be without their friends on their birthday. I spent 22 hours in Perth. If Perth from Melbourne isn’t too far for a gig, nowhere is.


Spectrum –

Now, this is a band that’s close to my heart. The poster is in fact already up. Spectrum are the first Blues band that I fell in love with and then BOY did I fall in love with the Blues. Through Spectrum (and ross) I got an education on Howlin’ Wolf, Richard Berry, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis and several other greats that every snotty nosed 16 year old kid should know about.


Ang Christou

Ang was a footballer. A good one. He had a lot of battles. At one point doctors told him that he’d never walk again. He went on to play 2 years of football. If that doesn’t inspire me to try again when things get tough, nothing will.


U2 x2 – Because no music room would be complete without them?

I have a giant poster from the war album that will go up somewhere. It will probably take up a whole wall once I work out how to hang it, but it will certainly be worth it. U2 is where it all started, bass wise for me and hey, who doesn’t want Adam Clayton staring back at them? (in the non war poster he looks pretty darn good)


There is one other poster that I’m going to get framed, but it’s too good to even go into the music room.  Brian Cadd, Sam See, Glenn Mayson, Deborah Conway, Joe Camilleri and Daryl Braithwaite.

Joe is kind of a hero of mine. Maltese boy makes good singing reggae infused songs that people love. He’s probably the most famous Maltese living in Aus and I’m incredibly proud to come from the same country as him. The main reason why this is going in my bedroom is because I met my best friend at this gig. I was sixteen and wandering around and someone introduced me to him. I thought nothing of it at the time. It wasn’t till many years later when we became friends that I remembered that gig and looked back at that poster and sure enough, there was his signature. He was playing in one of the same bands. Sometimes good things do happen twice.


Now I’m off to go and get my next installment of Bruce CDs. Enjoy your day.

Song of the day: She’s The One. I love the rawness of this song. Sometimes bare is best.

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